Errata - Software - FIG-Forth

Bugs in 6502 FIG-Forth:

U/ (a.k.a. UM/MOD in ANS Forth)

U/ divides a 32-bit unsigned integer dividend by a 16-bit unsigned integer divisor to produce a 16-bit unsigned integer quotient and a 16-bit unsigned integer remainder. Note that:

dividend = divisor * quotient + remainder

  • Inputs:
    • 0,X = bits 7-0 of the divisor
    • 1,X = bits 15-8 of the divisor
    • 4,X = bits 7-0 of the dividend
    • 5,X = bits 15-8 of the dividend
    • 2,X = bits 23-16 of the dividend
    • 3,X = bits 31-24 of the dividend
  • Output (when it JuMPs to POP):
    • 2,X = bits 7-0 of the quotient
    • 3,X = bits 15-8 of the quotient
    • 4,X = bits 7-0 of the remainder
    • 5,X = bits 15-8 of the remainder

The original (buggy) code follows. With this routine, dividing $80000000 by $8001 returns the quotient
$0000 and the remainder $0000, which is incorrect. The correct quotient is $FFFE and the correct remainder is $0002.

     LDA 4,X
     LDY 2,X
     STY 4,X
     ASL A
     STA 2,X
     LDA 5,X
     LDY 3,X
     STY 5,X
     ROL A
     STA 3,X
     LDA #16
     STA N
L433 ROL 4,X
     ROL 5,X
     LDA 4,X
     SBC 0,X
     LDA 5,X
     SBC 1,X
     BCC L444
     STY 4,X
     STA 5,X
L444 ROL 2,X
     ROL 3,X
     DEC N
     BNE L433
     JMP POP

The problem is that when a one is shifted into the carry by the ROL 5,X instruction, it must be accounted for and the routine above does not do so.

The corrected routine follows.

      LDA 4,X
      LDY 2,X
      STY 4,X
      ASL A
      STA 2,X
      LDA 5,X
      LDY 3,X
      STY 5,X
      ROL A
      STA 3,X
      LDA #16
      STA N
L433  ROL 4,X
      ROL 5,X
      LDA 4,X
      BCS L0446
      SBC 0,X
      LDA 5,X
      SBC 1,X
      BCC L444
      STY 4,X
L0442 STA 5,X
L444  ROL 2,X
      ROL 3,X
      DEC N
      BNE L433
      JMP POP
L0446 SBC 0,X
      STA 4,X
      LDA 5,X
      SBC 1,X
      BCS L0442 ; branch always

With this routine, dividing $80000000 by $8001 returns the quotient $FFFE and the remainder $0002, which is correct.

U* (a.k.a. UM* in ANS Forth)

U* mulitplies two 16-bit unsigned integers (the mulitplicand and the multiplier) to produce a 32-bit result.

  • Inputs:
    • 0,X = bits 7-0 of the multiplier (TOS)
    • 1,X = bits 15-8 of the multiplier (TOS)
    • 2,X = bits 7-0 of the multiplicand (second-on-stack)
    • 3,X = bits 15-8 of the multiplicand (second-on-stack)
  • Output:
    • 2,X = bits 7-0 of the product
    • 3,X = bits 15-8 of the product
    • 0,X = bits 23-16 of the product
    • 1,X = bits 31-24 of the product

The original (buggy) routine follows; note that FIG-Forth calls this code with Y=$00. With this routine, multiplying $16A1 by $16A1 returns the product $01001141, which is incorrect. The correct product is $02001141.

     LDA 2,X
     STA N
     STY 2,X
     LDA 3,X
     STA N+1
     STY 3,X
     LDY #16 ; for 16 bits
L396 ASL 2,X
     ROL 3,X
     ROL 0,X
     ROL 1,X
     BCC L411
     LDA N
     ADC 2,X
     STA 2,X
     LDA N+1
     ADC 3,X
     STA 3,X
     LDA #0
     ADC 0,X
     STA 0,X
L411 DEY
     BNE L396

The problem is that when there is a carry from the ADC 0,X instruction, the carry must be added to 1,X (to update bits 31-23 of the product), but the routine above does not do this.

A simple solution is to insert the necessary instructions between the STA 0,X and DEY instructions. However, the following multiplication can be used instead; it shifts the product right (rather than left, as the original routine does), is slightly smaller, and is faster for most cases.

     STA N
     LDY #16
     LSR 3,X
     ROR 2,X
L396 BCC L411
     LDA N
     ADC 0,X
     STA N
     ADC 1,X
L411 ROR
     ROR N
     ROR 3,X
     ROR 2,X
     BNE L396
     STA 1,X
     LDA N
     STA 0,X

With this routine, multiplying $16A1 by $16A1 returns the product $02001141 which is correct.

For Forths where Y will not be $00 when U* is called, the TYA instruction can be replaced by LDA #0

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